Variety is the Spice of Life

As we start to pick up some momentum in January and dig out of the holidays our run motivation can be at an annual low. Depending on where you live the weather may be not so inviting and you have gotten comfy in your PJs sipping coffee.

First, good. Enjoy that relaxation. You and your body likely need it and mentally we need to allow ourselves some down time. With all of this said, in the last 5 days I have heard reports of this “winter funk” and requests regarding how do I get out of it.

Well the answer may be in the old saying “Variety is the Spice of Life”. It ends up variety is the spice of running as well. Most people I talk to kind of stick to the same routine year in and year out. This year…spice it up with some new forms of training:

  1. Integrate speed into your training regularly.

  2. Run on some trails or at a minimum some new routes.

  3. Focus on an area you need to improve like mobility or strength

  4. Hire a coach, we do more than just write schedules.

  5. Have multiple pairs of shoes to run in so that you look forward to the change.

  6. Most important: find someone to run with.

I hope you will find some time to change things up in 2023. There is a lot to be said for a routine but don’t be afraid to mix it up. Variety in speed, terrain and footwear have been proven to decrease injury and I promise you they keep your mind more engaged.

Live What You Love,

Coach Dusty


Fear Speed No More


Let’s Set Targets